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Miskatonic High Issue 12

In the rustic hills of a small New England town lies the prestigious Miskatonic High School. When the Community Service Club went on a field trip, they were launched back to ancient Egypt and were nearly killed by  an evil wizard and his tentacle monster. They escaped back to our century, but things have never been the same. Since then, we learned some of the secrets haunting the students of the Community Service Club and that the world is not what they thought it was.

In issue #12, the club donates their collection from a book drive to the local prison, but when one of them gets violently ill, they get split up. But in the Dunwich Correctional Institute, the prisoners aren't the scariest things in the prison, and one of them is intent on sucking Simon into a world of pain.
Miskatonic High
Miskatonic High
  • Horror
  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Young Adult
Age Rating 15+
Page Count 24
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