My name is Travis B. Hill and I am a comic book writer and academic historian and theologian living in Dallas, Texas. I currently have three creator owned series in production -- Thorn (Advent Comics), TechnoKnights (Dauntless Stories), & Black Gun (Band of Bards Comics) -- as well as the one-shot A Last Goodbye (Band of Bards). My short stories have appeared in various anthology series such as Containment Breach (Fugitive Poems) and Cthulhu Invades (Orange Cone Productions), and I have done work for hire with Z2 Comics.
I am also the Co-Editor in Chief of the
Literati Press academic imprint, LP Labs.
In addition to comics, I have a ThM in theology from Dallas Seminary, and I am finishing up my PhD in history from the University of Texas at Dallas. I have written one theology book titled A Theology of Inheritance: Eternal Life and the Oppressed Family of God in the Gospel of Luke. I have also written several articles at the intersection of theology, history, and comics, including Let Him Be to You as. Goblin: Forgiveness as the Defeat of Evil in Spider-Man Comics, which is included in the book Theology and Spider-Man (Fortress Academic).