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Miskatonic High is going Back to School (Part 1) Issue 23
This is the beginning of our fourth season and with the kids going back to school to start the spring semester, it's a great time to jump in and try the series.
Each issue is pretty much self contained, and we give you everything you need to know on the "Previously" page, so don't feel like you need to buy all five volumes to catch up (but don't feel like you shouldn't either... we like buying food that isn't in the ramen section of the grocery store).
In issue #23, it's Anton's first day as a reanimated teen at Miskatonic High School, but he's not the only new student when someone from Alex's past reappears in her life. While that's throwing her for a loop, the others are seeing creepy monsters and eldritch beasts roaming the halls of the school. Can the group stop the monsters before they cause serious harm... like forcing the vice principal to cancel the band concert!?!

Miskatonic High
- Young Adult
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Adventure
Age Rating
Page Count
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