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GodQuest featuring Milestone #1

Spinning directly out of Spider-Squirrel Volume One comes MILESTONE! Imagine someone with the power of the Silver Surfer and the loneliness & guilt of Daredevil, with the universe hanging in the balance of his decisions!
Cole Morgan single-handedly ended World War II and personally brought Hitler to justice.
But his story didn't end there. In fact, this is where it started. Abducted by a mad scientist and used for his abilities to manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe, Cole was released from his prison by Spider-Squirrel*, only to find out that he is a new breed of god on Earth. Cole Morgan may not want to be the most powerful man in the universe…
…but, he doesn’t have a choice. What he does next will be the Milestone that saves or destroys the entire world.
Xion Studios
Xion Studios
  • Young Adult
  • Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi
  • Adventure
Age Rating 13+
Page Count 24
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